December 2013Tarreyn Land: December 2013

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tarreyn's 25 Best of 2013

OMG, you guys!
It's the last day of the year! 
What the Whaaaaaaa???!?!?!
Despite my slightly depressed post yesterday, 2013's been a weird and wonderful year, and I've had so much fun thinking back on it. 
I'm hoping 2014 brings just as much adventure, discovery and champagne.
A lot happened this year, lots good, some not so good, and some really amazing stuff for the books. 

Here is my list of the best parts of the year, both in pop culture and for me personally. 

  • Turning 26
I was a little afraid of turning 26, putting me officially in my late 20s, but so far so good! I had an incredible birthday, and was so excited to see the things I'd accomplished over the year. I've already learned a lot and tried new things, and am looking very much forward to the rest of the year. 
  • Everything Pharrell Williams Touched
From "Get Lucky" to "Blurred Lines" to the first ever 24 hour music video, Pharrell Williams has been rocking 2013, and steadily becoming one of my top idols. 
  • Macaroons
Something deep inside me was awakened this year - My INTENSE love of macaroons. I even learned how to make them! I kind of OD'd for a while, but now I am back on the macaroon train and very happy.  

  • Catching Fire
Katniss meets J Law meet Awesomeness. The second book was one of my favs, and the movie did NOT disappoint. It was totally worth the wait and one of the best movies of the year! CAN'T WAIT for Mockingjay!!
  • Everything Beyonceé Touched
Surprise dropped album? Check. Videos to go with every single song? Check. Singing at the Inauguration? Check. Mrs. Carter World Tour? Check. HBO Documentary? Check. Being an all-around amazing EVERYTHING? Check, Check, Check! It's Beyoncé's world, and we all get to live in it. 
  • Our Trip to the Caribbean
2013 started with a BANG when we took an incredible 10 day trip to the Caribbean. For the first time I tried snorkeling, ATV's, driving a jet ski, and drank way too much rum from coconuts (if there is such a thing as too much.) It was the best. 
  • Our Trip to Europe
We spent three amazing weeks traveling through three different countries and had one of the most incredible, romantic, inspiring, enlightening and enjoyable times of my entire life.  See my pictures Here and Here!
  • Our Trip to the Pacific NorthWest
Yet another amazing travel adventure we had this year was to Seattle and the Northern Coast in Washington. We had a perfect stay in a cabin playing cards, drinking wine, eating crab and having lots of gorgeous walks on the beach. We then hopped down to Seattle for 5 days of rainy day adventures. 
  • The iPhone 5S
Ok, I am still with my 4S, but I've spent some time with these sweet babies and I am itching until my plan renewal to snag one! I will never cease to be amazed at the incredible technology we can hold in our hand, and these are the best of the best. 
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
From The Great Gatsby to Wolf of Wall Street, this was Leo's year. And I love him.
  • My Favorite Albums:
There were a ton of great albums released this year, and here were my top favs:
- Tegan & Sara Hearthrob - Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltson Fly By Wire 
- Haim Days Are Gone 
- BOY This is the Beginning
- Mazzy Star Seasons of your Day 
- MS MR Secondhand Rapture 
- Daft Punk Random Access Memories 
- Icona Pop This Is... Icona Pop 
- Lorde Pure Heroin
  • Kittens
I NEVER used to love cats until I met Jake's sister's cat in the fall and fell in love. Now I am all about the little cuties and hoping for one of my own. 
  • Obama's Inauguration
As most of you know, I am a big fan of the main man. His inauguration was an exciting moment for me, and I feel an important moment in our history. 
  • Funny Women
From Amy Poehler & Tina Fey hosting the Golden Globes to Girls being renewed for a 2nd and 3rd season, to Mindy Kaling & Zooey Deschanel, and so many more, Funny Girls are ROCKING it, and I can't get enough! 
  • American Apparel's Easy Jeans
Guys - I did it. I found the perfect jeans. Black. High Waisted. No front pockets. Thank you, American Apparel. Thank you a thousand times.
  • My Pink Hair
Even though I've gotten rid of it, turning a part of my hair pink  was an exciting and empowering moment in my year and something I've wanted to do for forever! So fun!
  • Lots of Family time
Along with getting a lot of quality time with my perfect parents in town, I got a ton of great time with my extended family this year. I got to travel through Europe with my amazing aunt and uncle, get even closer to my incredible cousins, even go through a lock-down in Boston with my family! Ah! AND I got to travel through the Caribbean with Jake's family who've made me one of theirs. Nothing better than good family time.
  • Making a Music Video
Making this music video  was a definite highlight of my year. I learned SO much about filming and directing, I got to something completely new, I got to see something from my mind come to life, and it was an amazing thing to experience with my talented and helpful friends!
  • Prosecco
From sipping it in St. Marc's square in Venice to my Rooftop Birthday Party, I have countless fond memories of these delicious bubbles this year. 
  • Brainfest 2013
This amazing getaway weekend I had with my bestie last month was one of my favorite parts of the year, and something I'm excited to repeat annually!
  • My New Camera
Right before our trip to Europe I bought a new Canon Rebel T3i, and I could NOT be happier. It's completely changed my approach to taking pictures and renewed my love of photography. I fell even further in love when I bought the EFmm f/2 wide angle lens. I've been learning so much and am SO happy to have this piece of equipment.  
  • Jake
We've had an amazing sixth year together full of incredible experiences and adventures, and I would be absolutely remiss to not include this wonderful man in this list. He's the best. 
  • My Favorite TV Shows
There's been SO much good stuff on TV this year, including saying goodbye to characters from Liz Lemon to Heisenberg. (And Matthew. Still mad.) Here's my favorites: 
- Orange is the New Black
- Scandal
- Breaking Bad
- Downton Abbey
- Modern Family
- Parks & Rec
- 30 Rock
  • Vinyls
We've really expanded our vinyl collection this year, and I LOVE it. We've done a pretty broad job from classics to new stuff, and it makes me SO happy. I'm obsessed with music, and I love the process of listening to vinyl and the overall sound and vibe it has. We also got a new shelving unit for all the albums and have made the area a really nice place in our home. Listening to our vinyl collection is a communal thing for us as a couple and when we have friends over. I love it. 
  • This Blog
This has been my second year of blogging and I never had a clue what an amazing and important part of my life it would become. 2013 brought on a TON of changes and learning, and I'm so excited to continue discovering new stuff and challenging myself to produce quality content. 

Thank you all so much for being a part of this amazing year.
What have been your favorite parts of 2013?
Happy New Year!!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Post Holiday Heartache

Well, here we are again.
It's the week after Christmas, and I've fallen into my annual post-holiday depression.
The gifts are given, the carols are sung, and I am inconsolable.
I had a beautiful holiday with gifts galore, lovely family, delicious food and flowing booze. But now I'm facing the return to reality, and I don't like it. 

I have no eager anticipation, no more holiday cheer, just the post-Christmas blues. 

My wallet has flies coming out of it, my friends have all returned home to their (presumably more exciting) lives, and my (significant) excess Christmas weight has nowhere to hide. 

And along with all of this, a New Year full of it's own hurtles is coming at me like a train off it's tracks, and I'm SO not ready.
I have nowhere to look but forward, and return to the daily angst (WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?!) that I've been blissfully ignoring all month.

Time to write down my (copious) resolutions - only half (quarter) of which I'll realistically keep (I've been vowing to floss more regularly since the early 2000's), and re-focus on the "real" stuff.
Time to dust off my running shoes, give my weary credit cards a break, cut back on the alcohol (HA!), and get down to business.
And maybe, just maybe, I should stop playing fucking angry birds and inhaling Christmas chocolates while I'm at it.

Jesus, this is reading like the first chapter of a Bridget Jones book...

This is going to be a big year for me. I'm facing a move to a new big city, which means leaving the comfort I've grown accustomed to, and finding a new apartment, new job, and spending a considerable amount of time with no foreseeable friends or money. 

I'll continue the search for what I want to do and who I want to be (copyright title for my unreleased Young Adult novel), and let's all keep fingers crossed that I can come up with some answers. 

I'm filled with anxiety about having too many (half-baked) ideas and too little (free) time to execute them all.
I'm filled with anxiety in general.
I can't decide if it's anxiety, or just what it means to be a grown-up (although I still refuse to refer to myself as one). 

BUT - on the other half-full, silver-lined hand, I'm stoked for new adventures, new challenges, and new experiences. 
I'm looking forward to pushing myself and pushing away the negativity (and carbs). 
I'm excited about accomplishing things I have yet to try and to get better at things I've been not so awesome at in the past (like giving up carbs). 

We shall see. 

How the fuck does Beyoncé do it?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

DIY Holiday Armadillo Ornament

In our household, among our many obsessions, Friends is a pretty big deal.
We own the whole series and watch it basically on loop year round, quote it incessantly, and basically love it like woah. 
Along with the giant collection of Christmas movies we watch every year, we also have one very important tradition: The Holiday Armadillo episode of Friends.
If you're not familiar with it, I won't get into the details (kinda need to see it), but safe to say it's effing hilarious. I decided to commemorate this genius with an ornament. 

Using these instructions, you could make an ornament in any shape you find, using any image you want! Personal photos, favorite Christmas images or memories, anything! My bestie made me one years ago with a photo of fireworks from a time we went to Disneyland! Think of favorite memories or inside jokes to make your tree extra personal!

Check it out!

- Printed Picture
- Cardboard Ornament (check Michaels)
- Glue Stick
- Scissors (not pictured)
- Pen
- Mod Podge
*Optional: Glitter!

Step One:
Save and Print the Picture:

Step Two:
Trace the shape of your ornament on the image

Step Three:
Cut out the picture to fit your ornament
*NOTE: Even though they didn't fit on the star, I cut around the ears for them to stick out, so if you have something like that make sure to not forget about it

Step Four:
Glue the cut out Image to your ornament! 
If you've kept the ears (or whatever you have sticking out) Tape them front and back with some clear masking tape to support them

Step Four:
Cover the image with Mod Podge and let dry (If you want glitter add it before it dries!)

And you're done!
Hang on your tree and be the envy of all who view it! 
OR make these for last minute gifts for people! 

Happy Ornamenting!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Give A Little Love

Ok Guys, just a little over a week left until Christmas, but this is my favorite guide yet!
At the beginning of this month I shared with you a series of Holiday Gift Guides for all the special people in your life! Here's One, Two and Three
And while I love spoiling people rotten and finding the perfect present for everyone in my life, it's also important around this time of year to think about those less fortunate than we are. 
As Charles Dickens says in A Christmas Carol (and I paraphrase) "Christmas is the one time of year when men and women freely open up their closed up hearts and do awesome things for other people."
So, in the spirit of Christmas, Here is a gift guide to help you think about different ways to give presents while also helping mankind. 
(Some of these are pretty groovy - Literally 10 have made my giving-list!)


Want to give an actual gift but still do some good? You can never go wrong with TOMS, awesome shoes that give a pair to someone in need for every pair you purchase. With tons of colors, prints and styles, there's something for everyone on your list (and they now make sunglasses too!)

Founded by super hunk (and super human) Hugh Jackman, Laughing Man sells coffee, tea, chocolate and accessories to help entrepreneurs around the world. All of the revenue goes toward entrepreneurial education and community development. Yum yum yum. (I'm talking about the coffee AND Hugh.)

Give a family the gift of changing their lives. This charity group works towards ending hunger and poverty all over the world. Give a donation in a loved one's name, and you'll learn exactly where your money went - financing the purchase of a cow to change the finances of a family, or to a harvest basket to feed a family of four. There are gifts to promote women's empowerment, help impoverished people build their own businesses, support sustainable farming and more. 

Get everything from tote and messenger bags to jewelry to shoes & apparel and more from this non-profit group working to bring a permanent end to the Lord's Resistance Army and Joseph Kony in Africa. The organization employs victims of war and mothers affected by the LRA to create items for its Mend line of bags and totes, providing them with an ethical workplace, education and counseling.
Each Tote bag in this year's collection has the name of the woman who made it sewn inside.

This amazing (delicious) lotion by Lush made with Fair Trade organic cocoa butter is good for the skin and the soul. Minus the taxes, 100% of the proceeds from this product go to a variety of over 350 charity organizations around the world that support environmental conservation, animal welfare and human rights!

6. FlameStower
Give this gift to the nature-lover in your life! This amazing new invention (created by my good friend's brother!!) is a portable USB charger that sources energy from an open flame! No matter where you go, or what time of day it is, you can remain connected while still staying off the grid. And the bonus is that this group is working with companies in Africa and India to supply families with power on their devices even when there is no electricity. (Watch the video of how it works! It's crazy-cool!)

7. LSTN Reclaimed Wood Headphones
Not only are these headphones made from reclaimed wood, BUT proceeds go to the Starky Hearing Foundation which helps others hear music for the first time!

8. 31 Bits Jewelry 
This Company, founded by 5 young women, aims to use fashion and design to empower people to rise above poverty. They work with beneficiaries in Uganda to create fashionable, quality products, and through this they earn an income enabling them to provide for their families. They also care for them holistically through counseling, health education, finance training, and business mentorships.  Everything they do is funded through product sales, so  every time you make a 31 bits purchase, you have a direct impact on women’s lives in Uganda.

9. Denik Notebooks
This company produces notebooks with artwork on the cover from artists of every kind all over the world. From High School Students to Professionals, Sketches to Photography, there are a ton of different kind of covers! AND 1$ from every (12$) notebook goes towards building schools through the Mali Rising and 5% of the sale goes directly to the artist. 

This awesome company improves your water drinking experience with new water bottle technology AND what they do for the world. The purchase of a Miir Water Bottle provides one person in the developing world with clean drinking water for one YEAR!

11. ONEHOPE Reserve Blanc de Blancs
Like the idea of helping provide water for those who need it, but want something more festive than a water bottle? Pop the bubbles with this Sonoma Coast Reserve. HALF the profits of this sparkling wine go to help provide clean water where it's needed! 

12. A Giving Key Necklace
The Giving Key group works to employ those transitioning out of homelessness to make jewelry out of repurposed keys that get sold and shared around the world. Each key is unique and carries a message like HOPE, STRENGTH, DREAM or COURAGE. When the wearer of the key encounters someone else who needs the message on the key, they give it away and pay it forward. Neat, huh?

13. Silver Lake Candle
This Fair Trade Candle is made by Raven + Lily, a company that currently helps employ marginalized women in Ethiopia, India, Cambodia and the US at fair trade wages to give them access to a safe job, sustainable income, healthcare, education, and a chance to break the cycle of poverty for themselves and families. Every product from Raven + Lily is handmade, fair trade and eco-friendly. The USA Collection currently features hand-poured soy candles, infused with incredible scents of the woodsy outdoors or tropical fruits, empowering formerly homeless women in Los Angeles.

14. West Elm Mugs
These fun designed mugs each correspond with a different charity organization including St. Jude, Teach for America, Oceana, Doctors Without Borders, and many more. Pick out your favorite mug for your favorite charity, and West Elm will donate 50% of the purchase price! Sip your coffee knowing you did something good. 

Done with your shopping but still want to contribute to those in need? Here's some ideas of specific ways you can help make the world a better place. 

Glamour's 31 Days of Giving
Every year, Glamour magazine does this special that I LOVE! 31 different ways to fill your holiday season with giving. Check it out and look into the loads of different ways they offer to help!

Donate to Umoja Women's Village
From their site: "Umoja is a women-only village, founded with the mission to improve the livelihood of its members and the Samburu community through education and poverty alleviation." Help women in this village overcome obstacles and lead to a better life. A $10 donation funds a woman’s visit to the medical clinic, while $60 fills up the water tank in the village!

Toys for Tots
Help a child believe in the magic of Christmas by giving them a christmas present. The goal of Toys for Tots is to provide less fortunate children with Christmas presents. By collecting, wrapping and distributing gifts to children in need, TFT tries to play an active role in "our nation's most valuable resource: our children" and give them a message of hope that will "assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens."

Wounded Warrior Project
The WWP is a program that hopes to aid and empower wounded service members. By making a donation, you help the group provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members while raising awareness end enlist the public's aid for these needs. Their mission is to "foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation's history."

American Red Cross
The American Red Cross is overflowing with ways to donate to help people. 25$ can provide TWENTY-FIVE kids across the world a vaccination. 15$ can provide an entire day's worth of emergency shelter for a disaster victim. Look at their Gift Guide to give the gift of aid as well. (And remember, they always need Blood Donations! - I'm looking at you, O Negatives!)

Family to Family is a non-profit national hunger and poverty relief organization that helps some of our country's poorest areas. They are "dedicated to connecting, one-to-one, families with enough to share to impoverished American families with profoundly less." Some sponsors take on the responsibility of weekly shopping trips, while others opt for food drives or monthly donations. They also have programs devoted to mentorship and literacy!

  • Always think about local Food Banks and Toy Drives near you! Food and toys are always incredibly important around the holidays!
  • Need a little more guidance? Charity Navigator helps you figure out the way to donate and help out that works best for you. Here is their Holiday Giving Guide

**And for more tips, you can check out my post from last year: How To Do Good that has a ton of different ideas for both financial and hands-on help you can give!** 

What are you doing to give back this holiday season?

Monday, December 16, 2013

No-Bake Homemade Tagalongs!

It's the Holidays!
Tis the season for projects, parties, present shopping, annnnd homemade baked goods.
But where's the time?!
I discovered these cookies the other day and they're amazzzinnnggg! Imagine Girl Scouts Tagalongs... but better.
And THEN I found out they don't even require any baking!
Done and Done. 

Here's how to make these delicious and easy morsels!
This Recipe makes 20 Cookies


- 40 Ritz Crackers
- 3/4 Cup Smooth Peanut Butter (Something Like Jif or Skippy)
- 8 oz. Chocolate (I used 4 different kinds: Milk, Dark, SemiSweet and Dark Sea Salt!)
* Optional: Sprinkles, Sea Salt, Chopped Roasted Peanuts to sprinkle on top

How To Make Them:

1. Make 20 peanut butter & Ritz sandwiches, using about 2 teaspoons of peanut butter in each sandwich.

2. Melt the chocolate bars in the microwave in 30 second increments, stirring between each.

3. Dip each Ritz sandwich in chocolate, coating completely. Use a spoon to turn the sandwich over a few times, making sure it's totally covered. 

4. Set chocolate covered cookies on a baking sheet (cover with wax paper to minimize cleanup). If you want to, take this time to garnish with sea salt or whatever topping you want. 

5. Put in the freezer for 10-15 minutes to firm. Once they're firm, keep them in an airtight container at room temperature.

6. Bring to friends and wow them leading them to think you're more skilled in the kitchen than you actually are. 

Enjoy these in all their deliciousness! Lemme know how they turn out if you make them!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Brainfest 2013

There is nothing in life quite as amazing as a girl's best friend.
I happen to be lucky to have had the same handful of close girlfriends for a long long time, and even though we're scattered all over the country, nothing in life can take the place of a bestie. 
My best friend Ellie and I have been best friends for the last TWELVE years, and I couldn't fathom not having her in my life. She makes me laugh harder than anything, she inspires me with her wit, talent and creativity - and her taste & style are the best in the world.
For a long time involving a complicated story, our nickname for each other is Brain, and we just met each other for a girls weekend that we affectionately named BRAIN FEST! 
We spent the weekend on the coast in La Jolla, CA, and had an incredible time seeing our favorite musical, drinking mimosas, shopping, wandering around the town, and even had psychic readings!
It was the best time ever, and I can't wait to do it again next year! 
I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite shots I got over the weekend.
(Yes, we are wearing crowns I made and matching CA sweatshirts in a lot of them. We're cool.)

In La Jolla Cove with tons of seals!! They were so cute!

Flavored Mimosas and the Best French Toast Ever!

Ellie looking out over the Cove

Sunset on our perfect balcony

Enjoying a Bellini and perfect weather

Ellie with her pomegranate mimosa! YUM!

Beautiful almost double rainbow over the cove

Thanks for letting me share these moments of this wonderful weekend with all of you!