#100HappyDays Part 2 | Tarreyn Land: #100HappyDays Part 2


Thursday, March 13, 2014

#100HappyDays Part 2

If you've been reading consistently lately, you might know I'm attempting the 100 Happy Days project. The general jist is this: Take a picture of something that makes you happy every day for 100 days. - You can read about the whole challenge Here, and see The First 25 Days of my endeavor as well.

As of today, I've officially completed the first half of the challenge! That means FIFTY days of happiness. Wooo!

Here's what I'm learning:
- There truly is something good in every day (even a day like yesterday.)
- I rotate the same 6 outfits constantly
- Days off are the best 
- People on Social Media can be really supportive
- I'm an Instagram addict
- I also love alcohol
- I have some really wonderful people in my life
 Once you start looking for things that make you happy, you find them at every turn

Here's a look at the second quarter of my adventure:
(You can click on the pics to see them bigger)
Movie Date with a Girlfriend/ National Wine Day/ My Grandma is a Cool Chick/ The perfect margarita at our Favorite Place/ Lotteria Light-switch Cover 

Singing Honky Tonk/ My Vintage Camera Collection/ Bathroom Selfie on a wonderful Evening/ Catching up on the Oscar Nominations/ Love dem Arizona Mountains

Louie the Rumblefish! So excited to be Fish Parents!/ These are a few of my favorite things/ My first ever Blog Swag/ Oscar Night/ Dancing with my friend's son at a wonderful wedding

Finishing The Goldfinch (finally!), Inspirational Sidewalk Chalk Spotted on my Run, Tucsonans will appreciate this: LIME EEGEES!/ Sheet Music for one of my All Time Favorite Songs/ A Perfect Spring Day

Stoli Martini Date at the end of the Week/ Having a BLAST Swinging/ A Much-Needed Bubble Bath/ Between-Show Glow/ My Dad Directing a Rehearsal <3

Thanks for letting me share!
Feel free to follow me along on Instagram @Tarreyn!

I'm so excited that a lot of my friends have decided to do it too, and I'm looking so forward to see how they like it! Are any of you doing it? Thinking about it? Tell me about your experience!
See you in 25 Days!

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