Halloween Hangover | Tarreyn Land: Halloween Hangover

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Hangover

I'm hungover today. 
But not just from the misguided flaming shots of absinthe I took last night, I'm hungover because Halloween is done.
Halloween has ended, and like I do with every holiday, I am experiencing some post-holiday depression. 
It's not just the sugar hangover (too many kit-kats) and not even the hangover hangover (too many tequilas) - It's that deep sadness that come with knowing you have to wait a whole nother year until you get to celebrate it again! 
Halloween is one of my favorites, and I really did it up this year. So, to minimize the bite of the beginning of November, I decided to focus on some highlights and some of my favorite things that happened for halloween this year!

My Costume!
I decided that after YEARS of going as obscure conceptual costumes that I spend the entire night trying to explain to people (Tangled up in Blue last year, a White Russian, a bouquet of flowers and more), I would finally just bite the bullet and make myself a costume that was simply fun, pretty, retro and glamorous: 
Wonder Woman. 
I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty pleased with the result:

Pumpkin Carving!
I am NOT a talented pumpkin carver, but even so I love carving them! After a major mishap last year where the ENTIRE center face of my pumpkin fell out creating a giant empty circle (yes seriously), this year I opted for something much more simple-  a jackolantern in love:

However, I have to give mad props to one of my dear friends who made an amaaazzzzing 
Ron Swanson pumpkin!

A Fall Hike in my beloved Coronado National Forest
Not really Halloween related, but so fun!

Jake's Costume!
After a couple nights on the town over the weekend where we saw countless girls scantily clad in Playboy Bunny costumes, Jake decided to comment on the situation by attending the Halloween party as a bunny himself!
I about died laughing.

Other Highlights:

~ Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
2. Rinse off pumpkin seeds
3. Mix in a bowl with a little bit of olive oil, salt & pepper, and garlic powder
4. Spread on tray and bake for about 15 minutes!

~ Tequila Shots

~ People at parties dressing up like mutual friends

~ Spiked Cider
1. Pour gallon of store-bought in crock-pot and put it on "warm" setting
2. Pour in a bunch of Red Hot whiskey (It's spicy and cinnamon and delicious!)
3. Enjoy!

~ Butterfingers

~ South Park's Halloween Specials

~ Peach Rings

~ Inside Jokes

~ Pancakes

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