100 Happy Days | Tarreyn Land: 100 Happy Days


Thursday, January 23, 2014

100 Happy Days

I'm a pretty happy person.
I love to find joy in every corner of the world and appreciate the little things.
However - I also believe that all of us can always afford to be a little bit happier. 

The other day one of my best friends sent me an email with a link in it. 
It was to a website called 100 Happy Days.
100 Happy days believes that we can all be happier by taking more time to notice the small things on a daily basis that make us happy.
The project challenges us to notice what makes us happy for 100 days in a row.
The Premise: We live in a fast-paced world where people are taking less and less time to slow down and appreciate the things that make us happy. "The ability to appreciate the moment, the environment and yourself in it, is the base for the bridge towards long term happiness of any human being."

The Challenge: For 100 straight days, take a picture of something that makes you happy, and submit it to a certain form of social media with the hashtag #100HappyDays. 

The important thing to remember is that this is just for YOU, no one else. 

The Outcome: The site says that people who successfully completed the challenge started: noticing what makes them happy every day, being in a better mood, receiving more compliments from other people, realizing how lucky they are to have what they have, become more optimistic, and even fall in love! Wow!

The Reward: Other than (in theory) becoming happier, you will have for yourself documentation of 100 happy moments that can remind you about the beauty of your life. AND you can receive a little 100 page book of your happy days at the end of the challenge! Neat, huh?!

I'm starting today. 
This type of thing is right up my alley, and I am SO excited to embark on this little adventure! 
I'll be posting my pictures every day on my instagram account, so feel free to follow along! 
You can find me by my username @Tarreyn
I'll also be posting my photos and thoughts on the project here every other week or so to keep you guys updated on how my experience is going. 

If any of you decide to do this too, sign up HERE, and always feel free to send me emails or comments on how it's going for you! 

Here we go!

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