DIY Holiday Armadillo Ornament | Tarreyn Land: DIY Holiday Armadillo Ornament


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

DIY Holiday Armadillo Ornament

In our household, among our many obsessions, Friends is a pretty big deal.
We own the whole series and watch it basically on loop year round, quote it incessantly, and basically love it like woah. 
Along with the giant collection of Christmas movies we watch every year, we also have one very important tradition: The Holiday Armadillo episode of Friends.
If you're not familiar with it, I won't get into the details (kinda need to see it), but safe to say it's effing hilarious. I decided to commemorate this genius with an ornament. 

Using these instructions, you could make an ornament in any shape you find, using any image you want! Personal photos, favorite Christmas images or memories, anything! My bestie made me one years ago with a photo of fireworks from a time we went to Disneyland! Think of favorite memories or inside jokes to make your tree extra personal!

Check it out!

- Printed Picture
- Cardboard Ornament (check Michaels)
- Glue Stick
- Scissors (not pictured)
- Pen
- Mod Podge
*Optional: Glitter!

Step One:
Save and Print the Picture:

Step Two:
Trace the shape of your ornament on the image

Step Three:
Cut out the picture to fit your ornament
*NOTE: Even though they didn't fit on the star, I cut around the ears for them to stick out, so if you have something like that make sure to not forget about it

Step Four:
Glue the cut out Image to your ornament! 
If you've kept the ears (or whatever you have sticking out) Tape them front and back with some clear masking tape to support them

Step Four:
Cover the image with Mod Podge and let dry (If you want glitter add it before it dries!)

And you're done!
Hang on your tree and be the envy of all who view it! 
OR make these for last minute gifts for people! 

Happy Ornamenting!

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