Give Thanks | Tarreyn Land: Give Thanks


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I love this holiday for so many reasons... Mostly the stuffing. 
But I also love that every year, at least on this one day, we take a step back to think about what we're really grateful for. 
Time goes by so quickly and it can be so easy to take little things for granted, and even the big things too. 

So today, I'm going to be thankful for as much as I can.

I'm thankful Clean Sheets and Peonies and Good Books. For giant wine glasses and crisp weather and riding boots. 
I'm thankful for instagram and costume parties and silver linings. 

I'm grateful for Jake. For having someone in my life who not only loves me unconditionally, but who reminds me with his actions how to be a better person. I'm thankful for his kindness and wit and perspective. I'm in love with his energy, his patience, and his desire to understand the world. He is truly the purest, most genuine person I've ever met, and every year we're together I learn and laugh more than I could hope for. 

I'm thankful for romantic comedies and hats and Morrissey. 
For the ocean and opera and emojis and photobooths. 
I'm thankful for online shopping and knee socks and Leslie Knope and dogs in costumes. 

I'm thankful for coffee. 

I am endlessly thankful for the most amazing parents who have ever existed. For teaching me the meaning of love and art and kindness. Thanks for every bedtime story, for every iPhone bill, every pep talk. Thank you for being there for me in every possible way a parent could be there and more. Thank you for encouraging me to be who I am and do what I do and giving me a sense of love and security beyond comprehension. I couldn't dream of more. 

I am thankful for vinyls and sunsets and IB profen. For lattes and denim jackets and the Hunger Games series. I'm grateful for kittens and swimming pools and finding cool stuff on the internet. 

I'm thankful for my funky little apartment and my incredible family and for having a job I love. 

I'm thankful for champagne. 

Thank you to my friends. My glorious, insane friends. I'm endlessly inspired by what all of you do, from saving lives to writing screenplays. You inspire me with your ambition, creativity, senses of adventure and humor. I love watching your relationships and careers develop and can't wait to see all of you embark onto exciting new terrain. I'm thankful to be a bridesmaid and vacation partner and a dinner date. Thank you for listening to me, for sending me postcards, for waiting in the freezing cold to watch me do stand-up. Thank you for making me laugh and reminding me to push myself. 

I'm thankful for pizza. 

I'm thankful for travel. In the last year we've traveled in 5 different countries, and experienced incredible things in all of them. We've gone from the farthest coast in the American Pacific NorthWest, to the islands of the Caribbean to palaces in Italy. We've tasted Irish Whiskey where it gets made and snorkeled with sea turtles. We've ridden jet skis and gondolas and have eaten some of the best food that's ever been made. Thank you for all the people in my life who have helped to make these adventures possible. 

I'm thankful for the artists who inspire me to be better. 

I'm thankful for health insurance. 

I'm thankful for this blog. 
When I started this, I never dreamed how fulfilling, exciting, challenging, and inspiring it would be. I began it not realizing that it would end up being what I want to do. 
I'm thankful for all of you readers. For your support, and interest and sharing and comments. You guys seem to somehow magically know when I need some reinforcement and always seem to be there with a kind word just when I need it most. Thanks. 

I'm thankful for the way kids see the world and for stolen moments and for traditions. 
I'm grateful for electricity and date nights and moccasins. 
For finishing a great book or a great martini or a 5K. 
For sleeping in. For waking up early. For seeing opportunity in every new day and experience. 
And I'm thankful for having so much to be thankful for. 

And for stuffing. 

What are you thankful for this year?

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