How To Rejuvinate Your Health! | Tarreyn Land: How To Rejuvinate Your Health!

Friday, March 23, 2012

How To Rejuvinate Your Health!

I have recently become more concerned with my overall health and well-being. As much as I love going on 4 hours of sleep and 4 martinis a night (and I really do), I have been trying to dial down my fabulous irresponsibility and amp up the health. I started drinking more water, taking a multi-vitamin, and all that jazz. But then I started wondering - what are the actual best things I can do? Best vitamins for this or that, how much water should I really be drinking? Then I thought if I wondered about those things, you all might have the same questions! So, for today's how-to I have found some of the best little things you can do for an all-over nurtured body. Some are pretty obvious, but it never hurts to remember how to treat yourself right!
This may seem obvious, but it is shocking how much the right amount of water can affect your overall well-being!
The Right Amount: To be properly hydrated, you should drink half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh a hundred and twenty pounds, you should be drinking 60 ounces of water each day.
We all know that nutrients and vitamins are good, but if you're curious about which ones are exactly right for what, here are some recommendations!
Vitamin B: These vitamins, specifically B12, help brain function, boost energy, and strengthen your immune and nervous systems! B vitamins are especially important as we get older, because aging depletes our ability to absorb B vitamins. 
Vitamin C: This is the best vitamin to keep you energized and help your immune system keep off infection, especially the common cold. 
Vitamin D: Many doctors recommend taking this along with your daily multivitamin! This delectable delovely vitamin can help prevent a myriad of health issues like cancer, heart disease and depression!

What can I take to help with:
Skin: Vitamins A & C are fantastic for everything from fighting lines and skin damage to reducing spots and uneven patches. Also Zinc and Omega-3s are great for helping acne (some experts even think that acne is caused by zinc deficiencies)!
Hair: Biotin - it's a B-Complex vitamin that helps with a bunch of stuff, but is great for hair! Biotin can help speed up hair growth (got a bad hair cut? this is for you!), scalp health, and hair loss prevention!
BonesCalcium is important for everyone's bones - especially for all us girlies (who are FIVE times more likely than men to develop osteoporosis)! 
Energy: B vitamins are fantastic to help boost energy, specifically B1, B2, B3, B5 And B6! Wow!
If you're a vegetarian: Meats have a lot of iron and B12, so make sure you're giving yourself enough of these if you're going without!
Can't Sleep: B6 vitamins are in general "feel good" hormones. Also they can reduce anxiety and help relaxation!
**Since these are a lot to take in (and its probably unrealistic for most of us to take this many every day) taking a good multivitamin can be the best thing!
Best Recommended Overall Multivitamin
One A Day! This brand has many branches for each type of person: men, women, teenagers, kids, you name it! They have the best consumer ratings and work great!
*Note: Be SURE to drink a ton of water and take your vitamins on a full stomach! That way you won't upset your tummy or make you nauseous! 

I recently read an article that referred to sleep as "the magic bullet," saying that almost nothing has as immediate and amazing health benefits as sleep. Try your best to get at least 8 hours at least 3/4 nights a week!
4. Don't Neglect Little Things
Little things make all the difference!
Remember this quote: 
- Add 5 minutes a day to your exercise routine. OR try something like doing 5 sit-ups every time you get in and out of bed. You'll be amazed at how little can do so much!
- Turn off the TV! Spend that half hour reading or trying a project! It will help activate your creative brain!
- Decorate! Making your environment one that you love contributes to happiness and mental health
- Get more sunshine! Its boosts endorphins and helps energize!
5. Treat Yourself!
A calm mind helps create a calm body. Things that may seem like a luxury that can really make you feel better in both mind and spirit as well as body!
- Get a massage! Making sure your body's in check and nurtured does wonders!
- Try something new! Trying something new, let it be a new recipe or a new route to work, can boost your endorphins  
- Take a bubble bath! (Include some Epsom salts to relax sore muscles!)

*Trying to Shed Some Pounds?
I know that many of us (including myself) are sometimes trying to shed some LBs. Obviously diet and exercise are the two keys, but here are some links to some sites that have some great tips:
- "15 Best Diet Tips Ever" by WebMD
- "28 Best Tips To Lose Weight"
- "80 Awesome Weight Loss Tips" by Zen Habits 
- "Our 25 Best Weight Loss Tips" by USA Today

Hope you find this information helpful!
Cheers to a happy and healthy day!

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